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How to Choose Perfect Rubber Edge Trims

Rubber edge profiles sold online in the Netherlands are used for different applications such as protecting metal edges, providing sealing and insulation etc. More specifically, the use of rubber edge profiles sold online in the Netherlands are found in car doors, truck cabs, kitchen equipment, machine guards and other metal sheet surfaces.

Searching for rubber edge profiles online in the Netherlands can be a tricky task with a host of offerings. But with the right classification of rubber edge profiles found online in the Netherlands, choosing the perfect edge trim for different applications becomes easy.

Durometer Edge Trim

This type of rubber edge profiles found online in the Netherlands are made from solid rubber, sponge rubber or rubber with dual hardness. An example of this type of edge trim is bulb trim, which consists of a retainer that is pressed over the flange and a softer (lower durometer) bulb. Durometer rubber edge trim can seal out air, dust, water and fluids while also acting as sound insulation in applications requiring low to medium compression force.

EPDM Edge Trim

EPDM edge trim are rubber profiles that are frequently bought online in the Netherlands. They are made of a synthetic rubber that withstands temperature extremes and resists moisture. Additionally, EPDM exhibits superior UV resistance, offers a fair amount of electrical insulation and keeps its flexibility at low temperatures. Products made of EPDM rubber have good resistance to alkalis, acids and oxygenated solvents as well as to water and steam. For machinery, outdoor use and car door edges, pick EPDM edge trim.

Now available at many e-commerce stores is fire-rated EPDM trim that satisfies standards for flame, smoke and toxicity. These rubber edge profiles found online in the Netherlands are suggested for mass transit applications like buses, trains and subways.

Edge Trim Core Types

Rubber edge profiles found online in the Netherlands can include segmented steel cores or steel wire cores to help rubber seals absorb impact. Edge trim with a steel wire core is a good option for outdoor applications because steel can withstand impact in cold climates. Cold-rolled steel, which has good elongation properties, is frequently used in segmented steel cores. Elongation is typically expressed as a percentage of the initial length and refers to how much rubber edge trim can stretch or extend under stress.

TPE Edge Trim

Thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) is a class of rubber-like materials that combine the processing prowess of thermoplastics with the flexibility of thermoset rubbers. They are used to make TPE edge trim. These rubber edge profiles found online in the Netherlands comparatively costs more to make than other rubbers but are less prone to cracking in cold temperatures than polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
Select this edge trim for applications that require recyclable materials or that require fully non-metal parts.

Silicone Edge Trim

Applications requiring low toxicity, low chemical reactivity and thermal stability over a wide temperature range use silicone edge trim. Silicones can be specially formulated to add specific properties.

Silicone edge trim are rubber profiles found online in the Netherlands that are used in sanitary or hygienic applications such as the processing of food and beverages, as well as in the medical and pharmaceutical industries.

So, next time you’re out searching for rubber edge profiles online in the Netherlands, choose the one that suits your needs.


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